Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Positive Spin...

So we have been on this autism roller coaster for 9 years and counting. I look back at the first years with big pants and his diagnosis and then a few years later with little pants and the sad news that yep- we have two on the specturm! Sheesh- who drew the short straw?

Now after almost a decade into this, I see things differently. Things are still tough and I still get emotional at times. Hey, that is what a lack of sleep and daily worry bring, right? What I have learned though is how to put a positive spin on things and try to come at this crazy, chaotic life with a sense of humor. After all no one ever died from autism and frankly, life could be a lot worse.

Here is my top 5 list of positive spins, silver linings, glasses half full and every other cliche I can think of...

1. Empty nest syndrome: I see so many people I love dearly struggle as there kiddos go to college and start a new life. Pretty sure that will never be us. Big and little pants will be with us forever!

2. Sibling relationship: My sweet neurotypical pants doesn't know what life is like without autism and will never have the experience of having a NT sibling. I say perk- no fighting over who sits in the front seat on the way to Target and no fighting over who gets the last piece of pizza. Big and little pants don't have the communication skills to argue about such things- yet!

3. Family holidays: I don't know about the rest of you, but there have been plenty of holidays where I dreaded the extended family gathering and hated giving up my vacation time to travel there. Now, I can opt out with a great reason to do so- autism. Yep, I said it, I played the autism card. May as well, right? Now I host the holidays and anyone that is able to handle the pants family is welcome to come. I love to cook and am happy to host- on my turf though.

4. School: 3 kids, 3 schools/therapy programs, in 3 different cities, in 3 different counties even. Whew- I am tired reading that, but I am thrilled that I have the option to do so and I don't have to settle for programming that doesn't meet my kiddos needs. The positive spin here is that I have the choice and am grateful that we can accommodate that. I may not always see this though, especially during this horrible Minnesota winter we have had.

5. Smooching my boy: I don't know too many 12 year old boys who still want to hold their mom's hand or kiss and hug them in public. Thanks big pants. This is one of my favorite perks!

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