Thursday, February 27, 2014

Where's your pants?!

The reason for the title of this blog is because we are constantly saying, "Where's your pants?!" to both of our children with autism. Seriously, we worked so hard on independent dressing, buttoning pants, etc and we still have to remind these two knuckleheads to put them on! I even hear our NT 10 year old reminding them to put them on! Sometimes they comply, other times they just laugh and other times they just go to any closet and put on any pants. What is it with these kids and pants? We live in Minnesota for crying out loud! I suppose I should worry that a 12 and 8 year old prefer to be without pants, but they don't take them off in school or in public so I figure pick your battles. Maybe someday I can move to my own autism commune where nobody cares if you wear pants and doesn't see it as a real problem. I hope they serve wine and cheese there too!

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